Thursday, March 21, 2024

Home Room Teacher

 I went to a Christian High School and had a new home room teacher in 11th grade.  When I met him he made me uneasy because his beard would jump off his face and run around the classroom like a bad toddler with a bad candy habit.  One time during home room, this teacher got so annoyed, that he shot and killed his own beard.  I didn't know it was possible either until it happened, it was any agonizing death.  The crime scene was massive.  Their was hair everywhere.  The police dragged him off to jail to answer for his crimes.  A beard doesn't make you holy, your actions make you holy.  I'm kidding about his beard and charges.

He was arrested for raping and molesting 2 male Korean students in his camper.  When I found out about this on the news, years later.  I thought they made him assistant principal, checkmate.


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