Monday, November 4, 2013

dear racists

I always wonder about the rational behind people joining the klan or some other racist group.  I bet when they decide to do it, they weren't singing kumbaya to their minority neighbors.  I guess "why can't we be friends" isn't on their play list.  I bet they can't recite Rodney King's plea "why can't we all just get along" but of course they think hitler's alive and livin in Kansas.  Why would hitler want to live in Kansas or somewhere else in the Midwest?  I know he wants to be a meth dealer in his new life, it all makes sense now!  I am so enlightened (by your wisdom), now I feel like I'm on top of the world!  Thanks racists for telling me the truth, you are so wise and smart especially when you call yourselves, Christian.  I'm just curious the whole "do unto others as you would them do unto you" how is that working out for you?  You tell me, you dumb lemmings.

They think jesus was a jew hater, I guess they missed the part that he is from a jewish heritage.  Why else would the roman guards who tortured him before his death call him "king of the jews" and have a sign that testified that fact.  You tell me, you swashbuckling idiots.

If this isn't funny, I don't care because their nothing funny to me about racism and if your a racist and you're reading this, do me a favor get your head out of your ass!

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