Friday, October 18, 2013

shutdown mayhem

I could post something really sarcastic about the government shutdown but why bother when cruz and his cronies made a bunch of the republicans look like jackasses so I don't have to... he did it for me.  thanks Yoda.  Now what am I suppose to do, write a post about the muppets?  Everybody in the public knew the republicans were Obama's bitch when the government shutdown was in full swing and if you didn't sorry that your cherry was broken. they didn't succeed at anything, if you think they did how does it feel to be living in neverland?  I know its a new case of roger rabbit being framed.  those who say they were successful are living a charade where their playing the "don't blink game" a game mr. cruz invented because he believes his own bullshit.  that's where you tell somebody not to blink and then you do it, like the republicans.  if I hit a nerve don't worry when you see me in my Eskimo "attire" we'll play rock paper scissors during the game you'll criticize me and call me a liberal or whatever the hell it is people say to other people to make themselves feel important and relevant.  the truth is Obama care is a law, it was upheld by the supreme court, so please spare you're pity party, I don't want to hear it.  if you hate Obama so much move to Mexico or Canada.

ps. I will say that I think the 30 hr requirement is stupid.

I like being an independent because its a license to piss democrats and republicans off. Do I support Obama care?  I support the notion of everybody getting insurance but i'm not really crazy about how Obama's law does it.  So to answer my question, I do not support Obama care.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

who am I?

When I don't get my way I just label people.  I'd rather be vain than realistic.  My idea of fun is stealing land and giving it to my friends.  I get my kicks by renaming things like the secret police after my hero, odie.
this short paragraph is a couple years old I obviously wrote it before his death.

hugo chavez (pic from npr)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

not funny man...

I know what I'll do to make you laugh, i'll dance around in my undies during a blizzard while i'm doing the Macarena.  then, I will drool like a dog and say "feed me."

the end