Saturday, March 30, 2013

self check out line

Hey I know what I’ll do; I’ll create a self check out line at the library, just so I can have a power trip.  You know me; I enjoy treating people like lemmings because I have a boring life.  Hey, you want to take out a dvd, you have to come to me because I’m so special and wonderful.  Then, I get to act like I care about you.  Doesn’t that sound fun!  Hey, if I see you trying to take out a dvd on your own at the self check out line, I’ll get testy because my job is so pointless.  I know what it is I have to make you treat me like I have a relevant life.  You know what the computer at the check out line is really for, its to brainwash you into thinking that you have independence.  When in realty the computer is just part of my vapid personality!

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